Cis people are fucking evil.

We are being set up for a goddamn genocide, but apparently WE'RE the ones being """divisive"""?? According to this absolute fucking traffic cone???

Fuck you.

Fuck every single one of you mealy-mouthed, two-faced, self-serving jagoffs.

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Related: Kate Burmak (an artist i hugely admire) posted this beautiful piece, and a jagoff in the comments said "why is he Black, that's not HiStOriCaLly AcCuRaTe" and while I don't engage with jagoffs, I very much wanted to suggest he google St. Augustine of Hippo

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Gaymojis: The Jerk Off/Jag Off
Much like the Blow Me, this can be used as an insult as in, “What a clueless jag off!” or a come on, albeit a low grade/beginner one.

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