Doodle I did of my friend Ky and I 🙃 It was nice doing some art for fun for the first time in a while

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Panels from my autobio comic in When I Was Me anthology. Tsm to everyone who’s read it, I’ve gotten some lovely messages from people.

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So at work i present masculine/androgynous cause thats what feels most comfortable and today some lady called me young man and said i was a very helpful young man,made me smile the whole shift, made my day thank u random lady

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Don't miss the latest episode of Chad and I discuss the deeper meanings of for

What does fashion mean to you?

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ik posting ur bunny boy is overdone but i got home and opened the char creation files i made at my friends' house again and i call this GenderEuphoria.png

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Hey all! I’m about 1/4 done inking pages for BR⚧MANCE Zine and I’m getting really excited!

If you’re looking for ways to support a trans-affirming comic series, visit:

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