My top four favorite Archie Sonic characters created by Ken Penders are Geoffrey St. John, Julie-Su, Lien-Da, and Elias Acorn

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POV: You're an Archie Sonic character and your IRL-Dad dreams up fucked up stories about you on Twitter to get a rise out of people, and it usually ends up working.

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I love praising and loving the fuck out of these characters just to piss off their detractors.

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When little Geoffrey St. John first met his soon-to-be mentor Ixis Naugus in a flashback from Archie Sonic issue 233 by Ian Flynn and Steven Butler

9 30

One of not so fun sides of big tails - it's need alot of time to take care of it to make it look good. But, to be honest, after long stressful day it's can be kinda relaxing

4 12

Amy, Antoine, and Geoffrey are ready to kick some Iron Dominion butt.

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