My top four favorite Archie Sonic characters created by Ken Penders are Geoffrey St. John, Julie-Su, Lien-Da, and Elias Acorn

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Archie Panel redraw of the fav(s) i've really been liking coloured lineart recently...yeah :)

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Some fanart for 's Elijah Acorn (Anti-Elias) because he literally embodies awesomeness ✨

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Warm up sketches before doing commissions uwu

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I also made a chibi Elias uwu

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When you king, you need to control so many things
Day 15 control
Actually I thought about chaos control, but this seems more unik

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A King of many hearts at least my heart~
A lost Prince who wishes not to rule a broken kingdom, or be used as a puppet whose father wished for his death but survived.

(Second in my flip series)

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- Sexy Happy Femboy Acorn~ Inked/colored by: Me~ Artwork by: Kg/gift by: Kg5000

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Commission for KingFluffybrows on dA. Elias Acorn in RaC: ItN Nebulox armor and Constructo Pistol.

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I had too much fun with this xD Here is King Elias!

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