Hello! I have experience as an illustrator for tabletop games and as a game and background artist.

Currently looking for freelance or full time work!

📨Email: devongeorgeart (dot) com
🌿Portfolio: https://t.co/Zqy9zXOsCu
💥A Very Day comic: https://t.co/EBXg3aRv3C

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I was going to caption this "quick sketch of George :D" but then it took me 3 and a half hours-
Long sketch.
Long sketch of George.

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My watercolor art with cute chicken😊I hope you will like this art and your day will be a little bit better 😊. posted by u/GeorgeArt23. Post url: https://t.co/rleyoQzkBi

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to the coolest sister on the planet ➡️

Although we are miles apart, I wish you the best birthday ever. Wish I was there to celebrate with you. Enjoy your day.


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Last but not least, the pièce de résistance... The COLOR! I am hoping that I did your character design justince, ll. Thank you for the challenge and I hope that & cast like it as well.


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Who loves the Not me. But I have to draw him for today’s prompt. I just found an alter ego I have thanks to tography. His name is Jango. ✏

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Finally finished ’s as part of our group challenge for this month. It does les as the challenge as well. I hate drawing robots. 🤖

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Final of for my buddy . Fun characters to draw. Hope I did them justice like you did my characters. Head on over to his page and see the crazy awesome characters and illustratrions.

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