Gertie’s Math Facts…
Me - You = 😢😢😢
Me + You = ❤️❤️❤️
Me + 🍩 = 🍩🍩🍩
Love, Gertie’s Family 🌈🍩🐾🐶🐾

14 144

Snacks and Naps...
Today will be Fabulous...
Get ready For it...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 🍩🐾🐶🐾

9 184

And for the Talent portion of the Pageant...I will be Walking around in a Bikini and Heels...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 🍩🐾🐶🐾

30 299

Some Days I completely Amaze myself...And others I can’t find the Bone I buried in my Bed...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 🦴🐾🐶🐾

19 309

Once in a While...
Someone Really, Really, Really...
Absolutely Sexy and Amazing comes along...
And here I Am...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 🍩🐾🐶🐾

41 433

Bulldog Math...
Gertie has 32 Sprinkled Donuts...
She Eats 28...
What does She have Now...
Gertie has Happiness...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 😀🐾🐶🐾

44 475

I’m the Perfect Balance between Cute and Sexy...Donut you think...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog 🍩🐾🐶🐾

49 438