Gyuki Evy looks a lot more like an actual gyuki now. I'm very happy with it. Also enjoy Ghostmaster trying to keep his chocolate away from both Slimer and Evy.

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Evy hugging Ghostmaster on her birthday!💙
(She gets to snuggle him until her birthday is over >:3)

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I had a bad day. I'm happy to have Ghostmaster as one of my comfort characters. Hugs from this big guy are all I need.😔😌

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映画「Ghost master」
監督 ヤング・ポール

どうでもよくない「Ghost master」の額のマークは十字架ではなく、TSUTAYAの「T」なのです!!

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Just in time for a spooOOooky Halloween, we're playing the classic Ghostbusters RPG for our latest Sidequest! Join , , , , , and Ghostmaster as we bust some ghosts over the next few weeks!

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Encountered Elite Four Ghostmaster Agatha in Viridian Forest disguised as an balding big catcher

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