Me and making a game for Im doing the art, hes coding. I's a game about travelling, and trying to survive while doing so

48 210

The evolution of the character from our entry 'Mortal Metanoia' from 2 weeks ago.

6 26

Try out my game -The Dark Within. Made entirely in 72hrs for

44 93

Your life drains when youre in the old world. So you cant stay there forever.

46 162

A fast and dirty mock-up for possible game.

5 18

Done with the content here. Now the boring part - Music,menus and stuff.

4 23

Last day of I decided to join. Got <24 hours. And im making a game about a dude in underpants again.

5 7

Say hello to Stinky, Winky, Drinky and Ethelbert...

3 0