今夜19:30からTOKYO MXで「マジンガーZ」再放送開始!

(双葉社 アクションコミックス「桜多吾作 マジンガーZ」カバーイラスト)

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ELEMENTAL PLANET: Un nuovo progetto a fumetti ideato da me e scritto da Stefano Maffeo - Questi sono solo alcuni degli innumerevoli personaggi da me ideati e realizzati.

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Il designer di Ultraman ha creato un "nuovo" Goldrake in stile tokusatsu per i fan
Info:--> https://t.co/26tdgOZ33F

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Continuing with the Go Nagai celebration, here are my other illustrations of Go Nagai animes. Judging from these illusts,I think you already know who I'm loving.

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Poníendole un poco de colorinche a un Debiruman 🦇 que hice en mi (2da imagen)

Los que me conocen, saben que soy enorme fan de la obra de y puede que esta ilus esté dentro de mis nuevos prints. <3

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Il designer di Ultraman ha creato un "nuovo" Goldrake in stile tokusatsu per i fan
Info:--> https://t.co/9Eae5bLC3g

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