lotro comm done for linden-leaf! 🩷

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Personal proj between commission work! Bringing back my lined style.

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I've had this computer for months now, but sometimes I still can't get over how much difference there is when I replace screenshots.

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And done. Apart from updating cosmetics screenshots and probably retaking some past mount ones too, I've done everything that was on my highest-importance Spring Fest list.

I can't start the War-Steed page until the event goes live properly.

Image changing time.

0 11

It's interesting that Cyclotron's first appearance is listed as being in All Star Squadron, when as Terry Curtis he actually first appeared in Action Comics (1940)

I love these pin-ups by Jerry Ordway BTW

3 13

Hi folks,

I am *still* struggling against my ridiculously bad pain levels due to this bug.

Thankfully my first task was taking shots of pets from Spring Festival.

Just waiting for proper daylight, though. We're nearly there.

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3月発売の『一つの指輪:指輪物語TRPGスターターセット』、昔『ロード・オブ・ザ・リングス オンライン』(LOTRO)をプレイしてた皆さんに超オススメです。ホビット庄の設定資料集を読んだりシナリオをプレイしていると、LOTROで走り回ったホビット庄の風景が走馬灯のように蘇ってきますw

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Lord of the Rings Online increases its virtue and legendary item cap, talks about ‘new work in Gondor’ https://t.co/8OOBb3psMM

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I'm slow going through my Spring Fest items. Added a few pets earlier and now editing/adding a few cosmetics before dinner.

The new images are slightly heavier, but look far less pixelated. I've had to compress a bit still, but hopefully not too much.

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Just wanted to show the new Cloak of Positive Portents dyed differently to show how well it takes the colours.

Umber, Grey and two different greens (Rohan and Rivendell, I think).

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Trying to get my brain to work well enough to plan this week's post, so editing some Skirmish screenshots.

This dragon/drake from Gondamon looks amazing once you remove the snow-haze.

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