我的家族人物! 221人!

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El 9/2 inauguro mi próxima exposición, ‘Impasse’, en

Me hará mucha ilusión recibiros en la galería (18h a 21h, c/Enric Granados, 61 - Barcelona) para enseñaros mis últimas obras. 🙏

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Req - Leni's Future

Art request from Nicolás Granado Armesto (from IG and Twitter).
Their child was random out of my mind.

Link : https://t.co/iTTInMHltG

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Caisse : Granado Espada
He is my favorite character game ever 😍

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signale deux autres tableaux (baroques) acquis pour : Le Christ présenté au peuple (80 x 100 cm) de Juan Martín Cabezalero, seul bozzeto connu de son cycle pour la Chapelle du Christ de Douleurs de Madrid, provenant de la collection Granados et bloqué.

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Separated splashes: Tabita, with her Knights of the Witch: Paul Granado and Claudio Quijada, part of my OCs 🧙‍♀️⚔️🔥🧊

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“Marta Granados' work is the result of a fundamental principle for her: the need for graphics to have a specific purpose, a useful fact with a social function.” — https://t.co/kQaCYnD5gD

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контент для ора в дискорде на серве гранады

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Lucia from the game Granado Espada

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María González Granados - Carabela portuguesa (Physalia physalis) https://t.co/Bs7SQQ4rQH Retuitea y ayúdanos a visibilizar la Descarga el ebook https://t.co/N34XAOxyar

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Also, don't miss our great "What else we found interesting" section this week, with visuals by Nancy Organ, , & Samuel Granados, , and 👉 https://t.co/sqUTDcr2wK

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Basic face-up is available for Barry.
The basic face-up means he will not get the skin texture, but overall the color is the same. 🙌

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20. Elementalist - Granado Espada

Because buttpoof 😍

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