A "Really Heavy Greatcoat" by me and Nick Miller from the vaults. Hope everyone's bright and bushy-tailed this morning - I'm at the Lakeview Marketplace today signing of on the stand - see you there?

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Presenting another set of Warhammer 40K references for an anonymous client, this time focusing on 'Walther Hoth', Imperial Guard and member of the Death Korps of Krieg! Let's begin with the greatcoat group... (1/4)

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For those who don't know, I don't have a "cape" around my neck and shoulders. Rather, its an unbuttoned Union Greatcoat! 😉
Hmmmmm... Perhaps I should get a model update with a Greatcoat toggle...? 😯


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Wool greatcoats were worn by both sides in the Pony-Mustang War. Equestrian Guard-issue coats were typically brown, and Mustang produced coats were a grey-blue matching their uniforms. They proved life-saving in the northern parts of the Equestrian Front.

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Judgement's Greatcoat for !

This one is matched to Godfried's color scheme since he's the one using it, but players and characters can obviously change the colors of items to better fit their aesthetics :)!

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I’ve been amazed and delighted by the positive response to Tales of the Greatcoats Vol. 1. I’d expected only a few people would pick it up, but this collection of swashbuckling fantasy stories has become much more popular than I expected. So, thank you!

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What’s this? The first Greatcoats collection of swashbuckling fantasy short stories has just been released in ebook, paperback, hardback, and audiobook (featuring the talents of , and )? Get ‘em while they’re hot: https://t.co/JVdeDZT2es

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The most iconic piece of clothing Kazuaki owns is his late father's greatcoat. 😊

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"The Doctor wore a greatcoat and waistcoat and was somewhat overdressed..."
-- Past Lives by Lance Parkin

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Hux has his greatcoat on the german poster:

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if this was for a different fandom I probably wouldn’t post it b/c I’m not super happy with it, but the has literally one (1) piece of fanart that I’ve found online and it pains me that there is zero content about Saint Kest-in-particular

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