
Maybe if Icarus
loved the moon,
He wouldn't have
fallen and drowned.


4 15

Sort of Greek mythology inspired Siren painting from awhile back. Had a lot of fun with this colour palette

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Greek Goddess Eileithyia#5
25 available
Tag someone

46 56

Day 9!
Heracles labor "The Belt of Hippolyta"
After sailing to Themiscrya, Heracles savagely cuts through the ranks of Amazons to get his prize

24 184

La tercera de la tríada: Hécate, diosa griega de la Hechicería y macumbas del estilo

0 2

Day 4!
Herakles labor Capture the Erymanthian Boar. Venturing onto Mount Lampeia in Arcadia, Heracles pursues the Boar to exhaustion in thick snow.

35 176

11 годин малювання цієї дівчинки просто мають бути оцінені, але я в це не вірю. Не в цьому всесвіті, бо вже сил нема. Але хай повисить тут..:/

2 12