Greenwashing and the park: greenwashing strategies are becoming increasingly sophisticated………

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„UN-Weltklimakonferenz COP27 – insgesamt längst nicht genug Klimaschutz:
Laut UN-Bericht könnte 1,5-Grad-Marke schon 2026 überschritten werden”

10 19

Le "Greenwashing" de la glandouille 🤡

(dessin👍 de Bouzon

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„EU-Parlament billigt Greenwashing:
Erdgas und Atomkraft erhalten klimafreundliche Ökolabel“

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Tomorrow is a bittersweet occasion for environmentalists due to the overwhelming amount of that will accompany it. Try to see through the "green is myth. The Earth and ALL of its inhabitants deserve better.

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I'm fairly booked-up at the moment, but I would like to work on more climate change related projects in the near future. I'm also creating a webcomic with greenwashing as a major theme if you're interested.

Here is some of my work below.


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Sanremo è finalmente finito. A margine al festival delle canzonette c’è da segnalare l’azione di e che hanno denunciato l’ennesimo episodio di da parte dell’ENI, la principale azienda italiana del petrolio e del gas, sponsor del festival.

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Les signaux d’alerte au greenwashing sont nombreux sur cette pub d’ : du vert partout, une bouteille plastique à recycler, un logo « end plastic waste »…

Jour 12 de notre Calendrier de l'Avent 🎄

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Regular in-field artist is behind our Takeover 2moro!

The satirical illustrator will be talking about his work; subverting advertising, armed forces recruitment propaganda & greenwash PR.

Pay what you can 👉

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Ten comics in response to the Tackling issues such as ocean pollution & deforestation. Artwork by & Sayra Begum.
Read all 10 here:

10 16

„Proteste bei Klimakonferenz:
„Das ist nicht genug““

3 19

🌱🌿 On this week: The AJ's on green wall greenwashing | whether concrete can be grown 🤔 | Rishi's budget | Cop26 and more. An podcast in association with the AJ.

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