# comics twinpeaks wolverine dcpride wonderwoman dccomics maxlord superman flash batman martianmanhunter omacproject sacrifice art pedropascal galgadot pattyjenkins ww84 wonderwoman1984 justiceleague brothereye mindcontrol maxwelllord joseladronn tonysdaniel davidlopez chrispine amazon military pilot jet love dianaprince rebirth nicolascott paulrenaud jesusmerino liamsharp stevetrevorspecial villain kimberlydunn female ceo pharmaceuticals dogs godwatch lauramartin stephensadowski jgjones wonderwomanday lyndacarter lizhurley dcuo bloodlines mondayvibes wfh adamhughes karlkerschl alexross ericluke brendenfletcher pauldini book nature birds tiger deer lion monkey peacock sundayvibes dcfuturestate dcinfinite georgeperez gregpotter johnbyrne brianazzarello drewjohnson cliffchiang greekgods hermes ares aphrodite strife zola bloodofzeus postcrisis new52 olympian tuesdayvibes hgpeter darwyncooke ragsmorales williammoultonmarston goldenage newfrontier inthelandofthedead hades tuesdaymotivation tv firstborn mera medusa flashpoint ivanreis mondaymotivation amberheard aquaman mother yanickpaquette paolosiqueira davidfinch yearone earthone jlaclassified grantmorrison andrewkreisberg meredithfinch daughter diana bull friends dcfandome supporting greek mythology embassy thursdayvibes cliffrichards jennyfrison terrydodson women superhero fridayfeeling fridayvibes cheetah kristenwiig dcuniverse hedra dynamitecomics boomstudios idwpublishing imagecomics darkhorsecomics theoldguard cine whiteout comic confinacovers dc brucewayne lazarus lazare glenat glenatcomics michaellark saintlazare

I read the first three issues of FORGED by and , and MAN, was it fun. Action-packed, filled with character, and BEAUTIFULLY drawn, this series is like Gears of War meets Birds of Prey—FOC is Monday, so call your local shop to order!

3 7

Reference in Marvel Comics: "In a Town Like Westfall No One Is Innocent" (Wolverine Vo.3 Greg Rucka / Darick Robertson, September 2003)

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Because this ain't our first rodeo!


11 38

Para aquellos que ya vieron , aquí una recomendación del mismo autor (#GregRucka), que también llegó al aunque no con buenos resultados.
Se trata de excelente de intriga y miserio, reseñado por Beto Calvo .

2 8

Con el éxito de en , es un gran momento para conocer otra gran obra de publicada en 1998 por . ¡Checa la reseña de Beto Calvo !

2 11

Aujourd'hui nous fêtons les Lazare.
tome 7 arrive bientôt chez ❤.

3 10

Aujourd'hui 23 février (et comme chaque année) c'est la Coup de cœur pour la série par et aka Almighty Michael!

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