RGM-86R Nouvel GM III
Love the look of this GM in Sentinel

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Gundam Sentinel II
Illustration based off of this concept art. I tried to find some information about it and couldn’t find its name or who drew it originally.

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Project im working on anyone interested?
when im done with this i need to learn how to use shaders and decals.

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has been added to https://t.co/K7nOXcOJ1x!

is a limited series podcast that shines a light on the 1987 Masaya Takahashi novel, Gundam Sentinel, which is much loved by fans, but rarely discussed.


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y'all remember that Zeta Plus sketch that I recently made? I decided to add some color to it!

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Gundam MK V, this is one of my favorite obscure Gundams from the Sentinel Side story. I remember when I first found out what it was and that it was the Antagonist that fights the EX-S Gundam.

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