

gyutaro > gyokko

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-gepeng dari ke-3 battle ini, lebih suka yang mana?

me : tengen vs gyutaro, soalnya keren banget, pertarungan sengit terus visualnya cakep bgttt.

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「鬼滅の刃」✖️「Monster Hunter 」
 堕姫、妓夫太郎 死を纏うヴァルハザク

DemonSlayer ✖️ Monster Hunter
Daki & Gyutaro Blackveil Vaalhazak


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Demon Slayer Gyutaro Sickles.

Texture used is included i don't take credit for the texture.

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well I kinda love these demon siblings' story....

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Ya está terminado mi de y debo decir que estoy más que satisfecha con el resultado

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Tatang & Ratna backstory are pretty much like Gyutaro & Daki sad backstory. And eventually somehow their similarities is that they are demons and the other 2 contracting with jinn and shaitan.

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Axel is heavily inspired by Gyutaro from Demon Slayer, even with a similar backstory, (hes not Evil tho)
also the general vibe of Gorillaz
and a little bit of Piers

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So overall this Demon Slayer theater special recaps the last two episodes of Season 2. It was awesome! Seeing Tengen VS Gyutaro again after so long was truly exhilarating. Astounding to see in theaters. They showed the last two openings as well 🔥

- Verdict -…

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Sometimes, when a strong Demon Slayer or Hashira fights against Daki, Gyutaro has flashbacks of their life as humans and goes crazy.Then Daki has to calm her brother down or he would destroy the whole Entertaiment District.

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Saw in the cinema today ❤️ That final battle against Gyutaro and Daki was made for the big screen. An absolute treat 😩🤌

I haven’t read the manga, so the set up for season 3 has me like 🫣 Can’t wait to see the rest this spring!

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