for anyone asking me about Twins builds post-PTB with the COH nerf and new Haemorrhage: it's still the Penti-Thrill build. The COH nerf doesn't help basically at all and Exponential is still almost impossible to win through if used intelligently so protecting totems is a priority

4 125

10th December 1820. 'The Fates seize John Keats'. The poet suffers a haemorrhage so severe it ends any hopes of recovery. He attempts to end his life, but is prevented by Joseph Severn, who removes 'every destroying mean from his reach'. Read more:

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The new print edition is out including an exploration of consent, emotional intelligence in management, supporting healthy ageing and managing post-operative haemorrhage and shock.

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Roses are red,
Violets are red,
Everything's red:
Retinal haemorrhage ...

Happy Consumerist love day !

0 1

>>대량유혈, 고어주의<<
>>Warning - mass haemorrhage, gore<<
미녀와 야수

60 184

Here’s the squadron tally board. Kamikaze pilots attacked the task force Ameer was part of, as ’s new book (highly recommended) details. My grandmother blamed Harry’s early death from a brain haemorrhage on the attacks - though he’d been through a lot else besides. 16

3 17

During a production of his final play, The Imaginary Invalid, Molière, who suffered from pulmonary TB, was seized by a coughing fit & a haemorrhage while playing the hypochondriac Argan. He finished the performance but collapsed again & died a few hours later 1673.

5 11

On line shopping:
1 How Much?
2 Consider the £'s I've haemorrhaged on this fool's errand.
3 Realise I'll have to make my own art materials, probably means setting fire to trees in park evading capture & using the charcoal to draw on the walls.
4 Wonder about life's trajectory.

0 3

There’s been a few cases of (ICH) presenting to the recently. Causes of ICH include hypertension, trauma, AVM or rupture of an aneurysm. In one case I in for an and the of Image:mayo clinic

3 15

in 1984, actor, 7x Academy Award nominee, Richard Burton died at age 58 from a brain haemorrhage at his home in Céligny, Switzerland. Interred in Vieux Cemetery, Celigny, Switzerland in a red suit with a copy of Dylan Thomas' poems.

1 2

Every time I say the magic word I haemorrhage followers.
Remain....REMAIN followers 🇪🇺

8 58

Haemorrhage - Akira Recreation: 2019

The Human-Covenant war saw some of the bloodiest engagements in human history, illustrated in this snapshot of battle in a battle station in the middle of the outer colonies

4K coming soon <3

6 35

90年結成のベテラン・スパニッシュ・グラインドコア「Haemorrhage」の2012年作品が2016年カセット化!! Eskorbuto、IV Reich、Potrotainoなどのパンク、ハードコアバンドのカバーを収録した全11曲入り!!

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