
1757 16133

rkgk (hairstyling)

73 372

I was thinking what if this part of Suichan hair is actually ahoge like Mikochi. But its only activated when she just woke up or before she do hairstyling (apparently its not so strong like mikochi ww). How is it? Did anyone talk this before? 🤔

7 123

these hairdressers must've graduated twice from hairstyling degree to be able to shape your hair into origami noodles

24 556

Today's fun fact:
Me and dye each other's hair. Vie especially has been trimming my front bangs. He's the only person I trust to cut my bangs currently (yes, I go to hairdressers for my overall hairstyling, but the bangs always cut by Vie).

2 7

Whoops some of these are kinda old but oh well Oak family hairstyling time

15 54

Splatober Day 31 (finally done)

After hours of sewing, hairstyling, and dyeing, ayano made zach’s costume: betilla the fairy from rayman origins

I know i said i was burnt out but tbh it felt good to return from doodles back to full high quality art projects :3

9 16

Hairstyling with Hilda 💕

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6 76

Kalau sama ramuda kek gini 👌✨

Well, fashion designer harus jago hairstyling juga kyknya 🤔

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Mama Uki's little salon ^^
Yugo's usually the victim to Uki's hairstyling experiments. Today's a (probably inaccurate) loose braid with some white flowers :)

2 24

wgen i was in high school my wretched ass would go with my pretty friend to all her hairstyling and manicure appointments and just sit there and talk to her and not get anything done myself
pics unrelated

15 49

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is me right now after a really bad hairstyling session im pretty sure the lady fried my hair its now indomie i am done forever thank you bye asdfasf

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