Меня тут правильно замотивировали (читай купили модельку) оформить красиво лук из генши, так что принесла вам картинок :3

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❄ [ 21/01/2023 ]
⭐ 4
1. Sacrificial bow ✅
2. The widsith
3. Sacrificial Sword
4. The Catch
5. Hamayumi
6. Rust

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ilustración especial en celebración de la emisión del undécimo episodio del anime "Bocchi the Rock!" La ilustración fue hecha por Hamayumiba Sou autor del manga "Hanayamata".

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Ilustración especial de Ino Sakura de "Ochikobore Fruit Tart (Dropout Idol Fruit Tart)", realizada por el autor del manga original, Sou Hamayumiba.

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Ilustração especial para comemorar que faltam apenas quatro dias para a estreia do anime "RPG Fudousan (RPG Real Estate)", feito por Sou Hamayumiba, artista de "Hanayamata" & "Ochikobore Fruit Tart".

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Kujou Sara is a playable Electro character. She is the adopted daughter of the Kujou Clan and the Leader of the Tenryou Commission's forces. Genshin Impact game cursor with Kujou Sara and Hamayumi.

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positive side nya

1. guaranteed baal
2. amber dapet set arte elemental
3. mona c2 lol

kenapa yg aku bikinin sajen pasti gapulang
tatang nih aku gambar niat gapulang
yoi, aku uda kumpulin artenya anjir uda mau kelar build nya tinggal talent, hamayumi juga uda siap uda max ascend https://t.co/m1X7a6nhSs

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pyro resonance, talent lvl 1, lvl 70 hamayumi
1. benny ult
2. benny ult, 3 hit normal atk
3. 3 hit normal atk

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Páginas a color de Chiisai Nozomi to Ooki na Yume de Sou Hamayumiba, finalizada con tres tomos en total.

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Glad we're getting the trademark Hamayumiba circle eyes

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Obligatory stitches. This approaches Hamayumiba's character designs in a very different way than Hanayamata, but it's pretty excellent.

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The Anime Adaption of Ochikobore Fruit Tart (Dropout Idol Fruit Tart) by Sou Hamayumiba to air in July 2020.

The Anime will be directed by Keiichiro Kawaguchi and is produced by Studio Feel.

Sou Hamayumiba is the same author of another manga and anime series, Hanayamata.

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