The witchiest, indie, ethereal, free improvisation, industrial, folk metal, experimental hauntology shit you’ve ever heard. She’d flop beautifully

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Frida Kahlo as a magic user, outlined by and refined through The dialogue between the models over the face of an artist who lost her body in life, and whose face long survived her death. Hauntology is my go-to paradigm when it comes to

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英国郊外にある(とされる)村"Scarfolk"が持つ独自の発行物や事件簿を収めたリチャード・リトラー『Scarfolk Annual』(2019)。マーク・フィッシャー経由なので仕方ないが、音楽においてはGhost Box的な非クラブ文脈のHauntologyがあることも知られないと

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check out this fantastic compilation for a really nice cause. this comp has really sealed the deal for me re-immersing myself in lofi hauntology. the stacked lineup isn't just for show, this thing is genuinely really phenomenal to listen to.

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Watercolour, Silbury Hill

25cm x 25cm, acid free paper

For sale, £70

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What haunts contemporary art? More about the "Haunts" exhibition with the newest painting by Mateusz Piestrak and the ideas of showing postmodern artistic practice:

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Phrenology, magic lanterns & Poe. Looking forward to this one: Edgar Allan Poe: A Hauntology

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