Citer ni simple je tapi best.

Kisah will dan girlfriend dia berparti disebuah rumah ex lama dia.

That night, will pelik tengok ex dia. Dia dapat rasakan ex dia seorang ahli ajaran sesat dan ada niat jahat cuba nak brainwash dia dan member dia dalam rumah tu.

Seram hawau!

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Got inspired to draw a kinkade from the lovely yeehaw au. This is the second attempt lol.

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. I drew this as a thank yu for bringing us such a fun AU makes so many people so happy.
I thought it would be fun if. brought home a corgi puppy for to play with while he is working. They name her Patience and they love her so much.

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Texting eachother dumb stuff because that's how you express True Love
Some glorious doodle based off headcanoning with

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kindly let me line and colour her sketch for for the because this AU is life and so very wholesome~ <3

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