Yoo HelloPanda 👌🛵

Here’s some of my works. It’s 1/1 and available on primary and secondary. ✨


Tagged my awesome fam

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🌟 I just collected this cute pink panda from the beautiful soul 😍

🌟 I really love their art work and especially the cause behind it which is charity ❤️
Really happy to join the family and i will take well care of her 💞

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今さらなんですが、発売中の『HELLO PANDAと』のカバーの の折り返しのところのイラストの耳は、双子だけどそれぞれ特徴がある2人の耳をイメージしつつ。。。

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hellopanda??? hellodenimalz!! not my fav snack but i thought it will be cute to have a denimalz version 🥳 really had fun drawing it👯 drawing process 👇🏻

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