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Ancient Greek City; Naval Manoeuvers (Greek galleys forming a line in high sea); the Lacedaemonians Helots of Laconia and Messenia, who did not participate in the Messenian Wars, Revolt in Sparta; A group a Thracian peltasts mercenaries.
#3helots: If you're interested in a comparison between the 'drunken #helots' scene and the ancient literary source that inspired it, check out Lynn's new #historicalfiction blog: https://t.co/nJo7gELjFk. #sparta #comics #Plutarch. Reading group guidelines https://t.co/NJk8CUWrss
#3helots ch.1: Terpander, love him or hate him? @talemaiden called him ‘wordsmith, #storyteller, descendant of #Odysseus, cousin to #Loki … knows that words are more powerful than weapons, more powerful even than death’ (review in Greek https://t.co/zOxfGFogHK). #comics #sparta
Today! A new take on "From the 300 give but three/To make a new #Thermopylae." @kierongillen, Stephen Hodkinson & @jemmapress discuss "#AncientSparta in Graphic Novels", 5pm UK: https://t.co/6DwugI84AN #helots #comics #historyofslavery #spartanwomen (with apologies to #Byron)
#SpartaLive A different take from yesterday's on #helots recruited into #Spartanarmy (art by @funrama). Writer @kierongillen will be talking to us next week, "#Sparta in #graphicnovels" https://t.co/xQCpWP1ANI. #slavery #historyofslavery #comics #Three_comic #historicalfiction
The Helots, slave warriors of Ancient Sparta
The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta had a strict social hierarchy . The top of the social pyramid was occupied by the two kings, whose powers were checked by a ‘council of elders’.