RT @ heroaca_anime

# 히로아카 6기
새 비주얼이 왔다!

『나의 히어로 아카데미아』 6기 새 장
「검은 히어로 편」 2/11(토) 시작!
새로운 키 비주얼을 공개했습니다!

또한, 새 PV도 공개!!▼

자세한 내용▼

# heroaca_a

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Alternate version! Same base sketch.

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My second piece of 2021 - originally drawn on the 3rd - wish I could post more than 4 pics max - because I have an alt version

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2ヶ月前のリク絵リメイクしました https://t.co/e209cWT0N4

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Ahora sí! Mi fanart de agradecimiento para todos quiénes apoyaron a esta hermosa pareja ❤ Mil gracias! No habría sido tan divertido sin ustedes!

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I'm kinda late but thaaanks for all the love and support for these adorable cinnabuns☺️

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We never expect to receive so much love during this event, that's why we want to thank you for being part and support our couple. This is for you.

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más nos vale ganar. Mentira, sólo demos nuestro mejor esfuerzo ¡somos jodida fuerza y podemos con esto!

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