
142 1393


5 73

Mermaid x Pirate AU (part 2)

Mermaids and pirates don't understand each other, so Deku tried to express his feelings with gestures. He tried very hard.
By the way, Izuku has Bakugou's bandage on his arm, covering scratch!

65 604

The reason Bakugo is so Gender as ppl say, is because he manages to be so butch & masculine while also being so gay queen .. like how did he do this ..

69 718

💖Felicidad💖 1/2
El mejor día de Izuku y Katsuki fue cuando por fin pudieron conocer a su primera hija 🥺✨

0 11

Nuevo Redraw! /(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)/ <3 el momento animado y con las voces es genial!!! nuevamente soy lagrimas(つд⊂)

227 1286

Part 2 katsuki + volleyball
And Deku cheers for his boyfriend

1 15

Kacchan, take my hand
'Cause we are more than friends
I will follow you until the end💕

47 584