Genesis Box was just bought on OpenSea for 0.31 ETH by isthisaaru.eth

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Just finished the 6th issue of my comic, Godhark. I'll be announcing a release date soon!

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Artwork of Hisaaru, Emritt, and Lorassin that were finished but went unused for a long time. About time I finally got to posting them.

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Just in case anyone asks, the last one is from my comic IP. Her name is Hisaaru. 😎👌

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Been doing nothing but lineart lately since I don't much feel like coloring, but issue 5 is progressing nicely I feel. 👌

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The Sanguine Sons are a product of blood alchemy- one of the three forbidden sorceries. They are a taint on the realm and must be eliminated swiftly.

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The path ahead is fraught with malicious intent and baleful magic. To walk the path that all gods have tread, one must prepare the body, the mind, and the spirit.

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"I do not fight for my country this day... Believe it or not... I am here to fight for yours." - Hisaaru of the Naara

From Issue 1, available on Gumroad and Comixology.

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Chapter 1 sees the introduction of Hisaaru of the Naara, a warrioress from the East on a mission to assist the West in their pursuit of a common enemy.

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I know I said I'd do OCtober every fice days, but right now I'm challenging myself to meet a birthday deadline. You'll see what I mean soon. 🥴👌

Emritt and Hisaaru from my comic Godhark.

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Issue 3 edition, which should be having a release date soon. Comixology taking a while to give me a date.

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