The most fascinating animals I have been observing during the lockdown have been Here are 5 that I could identify from home, with the Black Mud Dauber being my favourite. I have also been (un)lucky enough to be stung by the Paper Wasp twice!

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Some moths from in and around my home on ! IDs courtesy of moth biologist Pritha Dey, and

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Next up on two common in my backyard during the monsoons- the Tropical Leatherleaf which camouflages perfectly with concrete surfaces (resulting unfortunately in many roadkills), and a Macrochlamys

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Meet my home gardeners, who, I am told, till the soil better than earthworms do! Two kinds of very common in my house: Anoplodesmus and Trigoniulus. Illustration in the series.

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My house is turning out to be a Jumping sanctuary! I've recorded 5 types so far (with ID help from Spiderwoman ), and the search for more continues!

Hasarius, Plexippus, Telamonia, Menemerus and Phintella

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Illustration # 25 in the series: an endemic bird that breeds in my backyard, on Meet the Indian Robin

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Illustration # 24 in the series: the bird whose song woke me up on the Spot-breasted Fantail.

I am surrounded by some very accomplished wild singing birds, but the Fantail's sinuous whistling melody stands out in the neighbourhood!

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Illustration in the series, in which I document and learn about the creatures I share my home with: a funky backyard the Common Picturewing

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Illustration in the series: the Kelaart's Pipistrelle (a new mammal for me, from my own house!) sniffed out from behind a gas cylinder by my pet Sakshi and identified by my brother and bat biologist ! How little we know about our own homes :)

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Illustration # 21 in the series: a friendly, noisy neighbour and a biological pesticide, the Grey Musk

Read my comic poster on the species on

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Illustration # 20 in the series: one of our commoner balcony butterflies - the Tawny Coster

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Illustration in the series, a gorgeous not very common in the neighbourhood that took us by surprise today: the Indian Wanderer. Thanks to my balcony birding buddy for identifying it!

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Illustration # 15 in the series: a very endearing and gentle frog that uses the water tank in my house as a power-nap station: The Common Tree Frog

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Illustration in the series : The Cotton Bollworm Moth, identified by Pritha Dey. Looks like my house has more pests than I thought!

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Illustration in the series: the aerial apex predator of the ecosystem around my home, which made a methodical meal out of a Jungle Babbler yesterday: the Shikra.

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# 10 in the series: A combat chopper that crash-landed in our living room after a brief thunderstorm today evening, but flew back to safety- the Green Marsh Hawk (#dragonfly ). Thanks to my brother for the ID!

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Illustration # 9 in the project in which I document and learn about the creatures I share my home with: a juvenile Stink Bug.

Thanks to Spiderwoman for the ID!

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Illustration in the series: wanted to keep for later but I thought I'd illustrate this species before it leaves the neem tree in front of my house to return to its breeding grounds in Central Asia! The drab-looking Syke's Warbler, a marathon migrant!

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# 7 in the series, the Carpenter Construction work may have been halted with the lockdown in place, but that doesn't stop this carpenter from going about its job (drilling into dead wood and bamboo to make its nest gives it that name)

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Illustration in the series. I which I document and learn about the creatures I share my home with : a dazzling neighbourhood the Blue Tiger.

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