Fear & Hunger ist ein Horrorgame, das es schafft ein unangenehmes Gefühl zu bereiten. Sounddesign in Kombination mit den abstrusen Gegnerdesigns und dann noch die Welt selbst, die alles darin setzt einen zu töten oder noch schlimmeres anzutun, raubte mir schon ein paar Nächte lul

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Every chicken! I am going to attempt a TRY NOT TO SCREAM in a horrorgame, so i wanna ask you chickens for one of your spookies game recommendations (preferably free games), i will add some new soundalerts aswell so you can help me scream!

If i do scream ill get punished

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When our graphic designer is not animating for our upcoming The ER: Patient Typhon, she likes to mix two together.

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When our graphic designer is not working on our The ER: Patient Typhon, she likes to draw

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When our graphic designer is not working on our The ER: Patient Typhon, she likes to draw

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So, horrorgame, handpainted textures yay or nay? unique and innovative or plain stupid?^_^

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