28-30 are done. Thanks to anyone who dropped by during the stream, even for a little bit. And forgive me for the memey-ness of 30.

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Stream's over and the results are in! 25-27. I admit 26 is a bit of a strange crossover. And 27 is my personal character of course.

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18 is here. I finished it Thursday but saved it for today still so I'd have some consistent content posting going on.

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16 and 17. Apologies for deleting and posting again, I just realized I'd forgotten to tag other stuff.

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12-14! I also have lineart done for 15 already so no need to worry about falling behind again just yet. If you came to my stream, thanks a bunch for stopping by!

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11. Now I'm REALLY behind - thank goodness I have tomorrow off so I can try and catch up. Anyway, have a In pink because had to stay on-hue of course.

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8. A little behind but still determined to keep going!

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3. Decided to finish an old sketch today - think it turned out well.

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1-2! Hope to churn out new potential stickers/charms/buttons this time.

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