Little Ianthasaurus was one of the earliest Synapsids; a diminutive member of the Edaphosauridae, from the Late Carboniferous. Unlike its larger later cousins, Ianthasaurus was more lightly built, and had pointed, peg-like teeth that were better adapted for feeding on arthropods.

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I colored up an Ianthasaurus for this today's ...what a bright color this week!

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I is for Ianthasaurus

A mammal like reptile of the animal group Synapsid, one of our earliest common ancestors, for the extinct series.

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I is for They were known for being extremely vain and posing on beaches.

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Monday means ! Granny Ianthasaurus is ready for the beach 🏖

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Time for Ianthasaurus for I!

He may have bitten off more than he can chew 😂

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