work-Ukraine 92nd Separate Assault Brigade (1/1)

102 883

Prepare yourselves!

Our next WTH Auction is on at 22:00 UTC Saturday (09:00 AEDT Sunday)

17.5 hours from now!!

Here's a preview of the coming attractions...

OG Rare Pepes
Fake Rares

3 9


finished emotes for the lovely @/_chiawara!
i had so much fun drawing your OC, tysm for trusting me with these! x

1 25

After 100 days of war situation is as usual,
Putin is counting on the world’s indifference while at home some Russians refuse to fight...

0 6

Morten Morland’s Spectator cartoon - political cartoon gallery in London

7 20

Andy Davey: Follow the Invasion diet! Lose loads in only one year!  - political cartoon gallery in London

12 34

A year of despair grief & destruction caused by unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. A year ago, I created ‘Our Lady of Ukraine’ - have to keep praying for Peace & Justice. Hail Mary !!

7 44

There remains 7 hours and 3 openings to be filled by backers who want to unlock their Wuxia Warrior! You can see more at

1 2