画質 高画質

Eu tentei desenhar usando o ibis paint, e foi isso que saiu

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Ibis paintで線画起こして


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and why not

first drawing on the ipad with ibis paint!

got this thing the 25th of November of 2019, and even if i dont think objects like this are too important, i gotta say the ipad changed my life in so many ways that i wouldn't have met most of you without it-

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Oh, so so sorry, I use the Gacba Club app to make a base gacha then i draw over them in Ibis Paint x all just on mobile, hope this helped 🖤🤍

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mau berenti bikin fa/art aja soalnya picrew keren2 jadi aku bisa membuat beraneka babang tampan tanpa mengalami artblock dan semacamnya 😍😍😍


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Goku Super Saiyan 5 https://t.co/l9uIwnOSWb took me a while to finish I used Ibis Paint and SnapSeed I will leave the original drawing there for those who want to paint too.

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2018 vs 2020

2018 pakai ibis paint.
2020 pakai medibang paint. https://t.co/j07pt5mzVx

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Ive recently found out this Ibis Paint X feature, now I can share speedpaints :D

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Kiri, Juni kemaren, pertama kali nyoba ibis paint x dan pake jari.
Kanan, September kemaren banget, masih dg ibis paint x pake stylus.

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I finally made an Among Us OC ad 2ell as tried some dramatic lighting ^u^
Name: MB
Colour: Black
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hat: Snowman uwu
Programme used: Ibis Paint X
Time taken: 3 hours 34 minutes

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15 March 2018 vs 22 sept 2020
Ibis paint https://t.co/d9hRzoX4I2

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La verdad, estoy comenzando a entender unas cosas de Ibis Paint, y para practicar hice un Hawks herido ah

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First and last, dua"nya pake apk ibis

Bukan forst bgt si soalnya digi awal" dah ilang entah kemana XD btw badannya makin mini 🥺 https://t.co/5YewZnGR4f

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ibis paint medibang
juli-agt, 2020 sept, 2020 https://t.co/dllBEixUFC

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November 2018 → September 2020

Dulu pake ibis paint sekarang akhirnya kesampean pake CSP https://t.co/IMUoQsgDd9

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Mumpung saia niat ngeluarin first digi (also first pake mouse) so....

2019 in Krita 2020 in Ibis pain https://t.co/O0qUcAAOOS

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Ibis paint
2020 pandemic issue 2020 still in pandemic https://t.co/fBcE5QzP7S

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