🪻'Lacrimosa Dies Illa'🦋

..Our first dance will be our last.

Wow, Castorice is indeed the Maiden of Death. I died at least seven times while drawing this one.

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Exibit spiritus eius et revertetur in terram suam in illa die peribunt omnes cogitationes eorum

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Avui compleix 68 anys el mangaka Akira Toriyama, creador de 'Bola de Drac' i 'Dr. Slump'. Molts d'anys i bons, mestre!

Al blog L'Illa de Còmic, hi teniu informació de les edicions en català de les seves obres, publicades per : https://t.co/2IWYhk18lH

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From ILLA IPSA (latin, meaning "SHE HERSELF") series, celebrating women's diversity

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This is Illa! And she.. scares me

She wears makeup, lots of it, to deal with trauma

But yeah idk, made all these three drawings in my free time

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Illa Café development notes 46: I needed lots of break from screen-time last week, so I didn't do much. 😪

Full post: https://t.co/EmeGJbJwss

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Illa Café development notes 43: with the help of a programmer, we tried to make blinking sprites from layeredimages on It is very interesting how such a small detail brings so much difference.

Full post: https://t.co/qaAbpFFWh0

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▫️ Ne kadar karanlık olsa da yeryüzü
Var gücünle güneşi çiz sen gökyüzüne ellerinle.
Değil mi ki ölüm var, zalim var, zulüm var
İlla ki senin de karanlık gökleri yaldızlayacak
Kocaman yüreğin var.

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ILLA dibujame a alguno de los míos, pero no sé a quienes same. Te apetece Saima?? Sino tmb está Eliel que lo subí hace nada en esta cuenta (y en insta). U Ophelia 👁️👄👁️

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Los ojos del poeta niño,
Las lágrimas estrellas de Babilonia. Hoy a las 19 se presenta en L’illa de Barcelona ilustrado por y no se me ocurre mejor plan que descubrir una pieza de arte tan hipnótica e inspirada 💜

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Illa Café development notes 40: I planned cute outfits for everyone last week, which I will draw and finalize in the next few days~

Full post: https://t.co/lGyo7fHaVs

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Hi its a great time to join the we are growing fast and organic with unique art and without all the empty promises seems like you recognize quality looking at your so probably will see you sweeping some just pull the trigger ✌️

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This was tooo clean to leave on the floor 🔥👓👀. Scooopz!!🏴‍☠️🫡

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Right? Damn.. i may have jumpstart my rap career if i can borrow it from you? lol Ok... here is my new rap persona.. ILLA NOISE

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Isabel Barreto de Castro.
Considerada a primeira muller almirante na historia da navegación. No 1595 participa na expedición ás illas Salomón polo Pacífico. Logo da morte do seu marido, será ela quen a dirixa, sendo tamén nomeada gobernadora da colonia da illa de Santa Cruz.

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The 1st one kinda looks like a mix of illa pazom, and emary from zz ngl

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Tornem a recordar que la col·lecció "Heartstopper", d', adaptada per Netflix, es pot llegir en català.

, un segell de , n'ha publicat 4 dels 5 números prevists.

Al blog L'Illa de Còmic, hi teniu la informació: https://t.co/B3Z6DXsKKi https://t.co/ViL3p0A3nj

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