Hello This one is pretty darn old but I still love it and I also spent the whole evening icing over a hundred gingerbread snowflakes so… didn’t really have time to do anything new! 💜

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🌟Day 21 of And it’s way past this little one’s bed time!

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🌟Day 18 of And I’m putting this lady’s jumper / poncho / blanket on my Christmas list!

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🌟Day 17 of And this chap hasn’t even had time to take his hat & scarf off before being coaxed into the photo booth! 🥕

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🌟Day 15 of And this little chap is pretty excited to get his photo taken!

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🌟Day 14 of And this lady is ALL about the present props! 🎁

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Hello It’s & even though I had an old watercolour of from 2014 I thought I’d throw together this little piece after several hours of boring computer work. Head to IG if you want to take a peek at the old one!

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🌟Day 12 of this lady is hoping for a Christmas kiss : )

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🌟Day 8 of And I like to think this chap’s grandchildren are cheering him on just out of shot : )

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After a slight delay, here is day 5 for Obviously there was a delay because it takes a long time to make a whole mug of hot chocolate when you are a tiny mouse (nothing to do with me forgetting yesterday 🤣)

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🌟Day 19 of This glam one wore her fave gold frock to her Christmas party but has quickly replaced her heels with snuggly boots to join everyone for a singsong🌟

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Hello I have a NEW PIECE TODAY! (I can hear you gasping from here)
This is a custom Christmas card I did of Wave Rock - there’s more about it, and a ~timelapse~ over on https://t.co/ye17vY5CJG 💜

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Catching up with Here's seven swans a swimming down at
There's definitely more swanning around than swimming this time of year 😆❄️

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🌟Day 5 of And this lady is trying to sing while her pup goes off in search of Christmas treats 🎄 6 more days to be a Secret Santa to little ones in hospital this Christmas 💕 —> https://t.co/uVPUI4smNj

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🌟 Day 4 of 🌟 The snow has really started coming down. This little one doesn't mind though, he's got his Christmas jumper & hat on so he's all good. P.S. I have no idea how to draw back legs on animals!
Click here to be a Secret Santa :) --> https://t.co/RnismSoU1Y

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Just one more xmas cookie...🐁🍪
A little warm up drawing for

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🌟And so it begins! Day 1 of This year I'm drawing a collection of cosy Christmassy carollers who I'm hoping will create one big festive gathering on Christmas Eve when I pop them all into one pic : ) 24 days, let's go!

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It is time for Yay! Like last year, I’ll be posting a mix of old & new pieces so that I don’t overcommit myself when I have work to do! 😬
First up is this Christmas card from 2016. 🎄

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It's Tuesday and it's day four of Here we have a very festive snail.

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