.Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin ( 2 November 1699 – 6 December 1779) was a French painter

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Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin ( 2 November 1699 – 6 December 1779) was an French painter.---Jean-Baptiste_Siméon_Chardin_029

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Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin

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de 1779 murió en Jean Siméon Chardin, uno de los pintores franceses más importantes del siglo XVIII, conocido por sus escenas de género y naturalezas muertas, y por su dominio de la técnica del "pastel"

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le 6 décembre 1779 décès à Paris de Jean Siméon Chardin peintre, il est inhumé dans l'église Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois

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PL:HO1 Roland Namur / サト
  HO2 Lucie / ひかり
  HO3 Siméon Pommier / もちゐ
  HO4 Serge factice / ニナ

END 2、2ロスト2生還にてシナリオ終了です。

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ジャン・シメオン・シャルダン(Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin 1699-1079)は、ロココ時代に活躍した画家であるが、いわゆるロココ風とは一線を画し、静物画や風俗画といった卑近な画題について、極めてリアリスティックな画境を追求

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Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin (2 November 1699 – 6 December 1779) was a French painter

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🎨Jean-Babtiste-Siméon Chardin'

Stil life with Cat and Fish'

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Jean-Babtiste-Siméon Chardin

btd 1699 d 1779


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Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin🎨

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It's This week we present wood engravings by three notable French artists, Jacque Boullaire, Fernand Siméon, and Constant Le Breton. These engravings appear in the first volume of the English annual 'The Woodcut.' Learn more: https://t.co/6gL2thzg1m

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French painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard died in 1806
A pupil under François Boucher & Jean-Siméon Chardin, Fragonard painted in a Rococo style for years. His 1765 painting “Coresus and Callirhoë” won him entry into the Académie Royale. He later worked in establishing museums.

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→終玄 睦葵(快刀乱魔HO4)、Siméon(新生 ジャンヌの猟犬HO3)

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