Today is sextidi 6 Vendémiaire in the year of the Republic CCXXXI, celebrating the impatiens.

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KP うにゅみかんさん


病気になりました 探さないでください

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Right! Halloween! Another on-the-deadline ceration comes to you, brought by:
The impatient artist.
(impatiens smells nice!)

It is not fancy, because I wanted to capture the spirit of the original. Enjoy!

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💐💐花言葉/Language of flowers💐💐

"Touch-me-not," Impatiens

"Victory in battle," Garden nasturtium

"Mature charm," Cattleya

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【Impatiens】Today's flower is Impatiens, young lady. This flower has the meaning of "strong personality"! Just like they have a bright color, why not show your true and strong personality today and let others know your original style ✨🙃

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Two lovely fuzzy native bees: Melissodes and Bombus impatiens with pollen filled saddlebags.

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with blue and white impatiens!

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Impatiens psittacina インパチェンス・プシッタチーナ、タイ、ビルマ、インドの一部の地域に見られるツリフネソウの仲間。横から見た花の姿がオウムに見えることから、パロット・フラワーなどと呼ばれる。ちなみにパロットフラワーで検索したら植物の健康状態を計るセンサーが同じ名前で出てきた。

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