El darrer divendres 29 d'octubre consultora, formadora i fundadora de Movingmood ens donà pautes per aconseguir peces de roba més inclusives i accessibles. Activitat dins de l'assignatura Antropometria i ergonomia de 2n de disseny de moda

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How to practice inclusive design in your daily workflow (6 tips for designers) by at


4 14

We asked our community of participants their opinion on the best way to approach ethnicity questions during user recruitment and research.

Read the highlights of our survey on the blog 👇

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Creative Director and Teacher Forest Young on Designing a More Inclusive Future by Ksenya Samarskaya at


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Inclusive Design wird oft mit Design für Menschen mit Behinderungen gleichgesetzt. Dabei ist es viel mehr als das. Unser großes Thema in der neuen Ausgabe: Design für alle? Design für viele! https://t.co/IS7ngPka7M

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Created this graphic to help visualize the ease of accessibility when taken into account from the beginning and the messiness when it's an after thought. Thanks to for creating this great metaphor that inspired me.

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I have had open office hours on ethics, design thinking, data & research for 5 weeks. Averaging 2-3 interactions.

* Testing tools for
* How do I get my leadership to care?
* Who should pay?
* What is the law?

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