6.Kurei o como le dice Sefuru Presindechi como la amo strong women supremacy

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Once again I am pushing the Indech-in-a-Flayn-made-flower-crown agenda for

You can order a zine here! ✨ https://t.co/U6MC6zc093

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Quick question, so if the Western Church had its own banner, separate from the Central Church's, do you think it'd be patterned after "The Immovable" and the Crest of Indech?

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Seteth & Indech 💚

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My full piece for ! Leftovers sales are happening right now! I was so honoured to be a part of this zine, here is Linhardt and Indech at Lake Teutates.

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Por cierto~ he soñado con Seteth y con sus hermanos, Macuil y Indech y un drama familiar XD anoche estuve investigando sobre ellos y al final lo he soñado.
Además que mi cerebro se ha encargado de darle un aspecto "humano" a los dos y que buen gusto tiene madre mía🤤❤️

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Picture of "Oiled up and Ready to Go" by the amazing
Alt summary: Sylvain thinking Felix is an entire saint indech's day meal and Felix knowing it + Ingrid being a little shit. And I love it, I love this fic, pls go read it: https://t.co/lOG6Q6iuS0

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Linhardt!!!! Sleepy but look at how excited he is talking about Crests 😭
The four crests featured are (left to right): Indech, Cichol, Seiros, and Cethleann!

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Le tome 7 de sort aujourd'hui. Profitez-en pour choper ça risque d'être d'actualité ce soir...

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I got emo about St. Indech yesterday night hah here's some old sketches of him.

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Got my last party member in my black playthrough so i added her to the doodle pile!
Indech the Tirtouga, she’s sassy.

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just shared a big sketch log featuring Byleth and Indech on my Patreon ^^! https://t.co/wsTQUNtA19

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i'll probs delete this too from here lol but St. Indech fire emblem. 🐢

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Bernadetta - Crest of Indech

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