Prompt 24 Extinct.. It's my most hated word.. Ugh . Can't even think of an idea XD screw it. Here is my fabulous drawing of sabertooth's extinction.

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Prompt 13 Roof, one day I'll own a house w/ a roof window 💜 I just love looking at d sky as I sleep. I think stars are so wonderful especially d moon.

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Prompt 12 Stuck, ever have that one time, you lick the popsicle and your tongue is stuck on it? Ye that's the idea. Tried out some BG,I hope it's ok.

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Prompt 10 Pick for guitar pick. Drew my friend that plays the guitar a lot. Please don't mind the evil smile, I tried my best. I'll do better next time

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Day 6 of October "Spirit". I'm not feeling well while drawing this. I felt like sleeping & I drew spirit stars. I'm having a lil flu, overwork maybe.

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Goin good! Prompt four "Knot". Tried drawing the ropes that they tie around people doin sexy poses. Failed miserably. So hab some annoyed Yeen instead.

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Alright! The third prompt "Vessel". I was supposed to draw a vase with the aquarius zodiac, instead was carried away with bartender business. My bad.

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