"The Iron Throne".vol02 (with Balerion)
The throne was constructed by Aegon I Targaryen from the melted, twisted,beaten,and broken blades surrendered by his enemies,or wrenched from the hands of the dying.
Hope you like it!

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"The Iron Throne" by me.
The throne was constructed by Aegon I Targaryen from the melted, twisted, beaten, and broken blades surrendered by his enemies,or wrenched from the hands of the dying.
Hope you like it!

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Silent and still, I sit upon the Iron Throne, contemplating the weight of my burdens and the darkness within me. Though the battle is waged within, the world outside continues to turn.

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¡¡Feliz cumpleaños !! 🎉🎉🎈🎂 Cómo no, esta vez el moniOJOte tenía que ser sobre 😁💙💙 Por lo demás, ya sabes, muchas gracias por todo y por estos días tan maravillosos 🍵


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The only one deserving of the ... the goodest boiii!

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"Break The Wheel" by me,I also added a version with Drogon."I am Daenerys Stormborn and I will take what is mine with fire and blood."🔥

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