i highly recommend you to watch Emesis blue on youtube, iwatched it a while ago and enjoyed it very much
it's a great film
doodle sketchy thingy

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And then I watched…ZOMBIE 5: KILLING BIRDS (1988). Was there a zombie? I’m pretty sure. Was anyone actually killed by birds? Uncertain. Was Robert Vaughn there to usher this franchise into its final resting place? He was.

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O.. O-Osana Najimi..


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And then I watched…NIGHTMARE WEEKEND (1986). This movie is like EDGE OF THE AXE meets NIGHT KILLER. And if that makes any sense to you, what do you need me for?

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And then I watched…THE DEAD NEXT DOOR (1989). What a treat! Super low budget zombie movie, but somehow with 100s of extras in full zombie make-up. And most of the ADR by Bruce Campbell, even tho he’s not onscreen.

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And then I watched…ROCKTOBER BLOOD (1984). A Satan worshipping rocker comes back from the dead to reap revenge on his surviving band mates on the eve of their big comeback. Music, murder, and many, many bath scenes.

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And then I watched…DEADLY MANOR (1990). Of course I had to check out this José Ramón Larraz joint, and it was plenty weird, but it was no EDGE OF THE AXE (1988) or REST IN PIECES (1987), but more like VAMPYRES (1974).

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Yes i have iwatched it a million times im a bug fan

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“What finally pushed you to update your comic again after a completely dry summer?”
I uh...iwatchedtheInvaderZimmovie....

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Me, the moment Talos IV is mentioned and I realize that season 2 of will totally link back to the original pilot.

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看了衝吧烈子,上班職場機車人爛事有夠貼切,我好喜歡古里跟鷲美走路跟翹腳啊XD 灰田...臉紅很好很好
Iwatched Aggretsuko... Ilove Gori & Washimi !!!

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Gargoyles, and I still watch it now!!! It's one of my favs ***^_^***

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This design was inspired by my 90's childhood! Do you see it? https://t.co/OpHdYkD0Y7

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