Hello! Finally back again!😅🤗
Starting with a "love yourself" pic. No matter who you are, fitting for the christmas time. I used a male and female self to symbolize that.

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This drawing should have been a birthday present, but I forgot it at home. (Drew another picture at her place than xD)

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A drawing I just did for myself 2 play around with. I think it's shareable😌👌🏻. I mean, who doesn't like elf women?😅

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After seven days of recovery from inktober, I am posting again^^; This time just a cute guuuurl. uwu

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Uploaded these pictures on an extra Pixelart-Account when I started with pixelart, but never really made more after those, so I decided to upload pixel art also here.

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I am in the netherlands at the moment, but here is still a drawing I made last week, while talking with a friend.:3

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Tried to use only flat/hard shading. That's what I came up with. Also reused the main colors as bounce light. Kinda like it^^;

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Another comission I didn't get paid for.
I was just to motivated this day, so I drew the emote before I got the money :/
What so ever, that wasn't the reason why I was inactive.

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Wanted to make a free picture for , because he sent many customers to me. He decided to give this posibbility to , who wanted a

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Another I made as a for

Really like how it turned out. Hopefully I am not the only one, who likes it 😂.

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