I'm JimCorrigin (Alias MasonV.)
I'm a Artist who think he's really cool and Awsum.
Always up for drawing whatever, also made a Fist OC :/

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There’s a comic in Titans GO universe that has The Spectre as Ravens mentor. I’d love to see this explored more. Perhaps Jim could be a surrogate father figure of sorts, Raven would help Corrigan open up a bit.

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Aztar was an angel, who rebelled alongside Lucifer. He was consequently turned into a demon/fallen angel.

This is what he looked like.

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utterly devistated I'll never get my kingdom come/gotham by midnight spectre design

i love him your honor

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For those of you, who have read or haven’t read any Spectre stories (Any host).

What theme(s) do you think he represents?

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Last but now least some christmas spirit with &

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