
I wrote a small head canon for Toby and Jim's first day at school💛 a late submission for

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Porfín después de casi un mes los termine, de la nada me salía un asunto o no me terminaba de convencer el resultado, pero aquí están.
Espero sea de su agrado 🥺

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James Lake Jr.

Please don’t repost w/o my consent aha

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- Jim is going to be desperately sad

Some many of you were expressing that something horribly sad will happen in ROTT 😭💛

For more drawings see this thread

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Soooooo it turns out it's
Aka: Best boi day heh

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Some small details because for some reason I decided to die for like id die for Jim

(Yes I did forget to shade the neck ribbon shhh)

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Jim is the best Disney princess and I love him to bits. He deserves the world

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I don't have enough words in the world to describe my love for this character.
I have been drawing this art for about almost 2 months. I have never drawn a single drawing with such love. It was not a burden for me to draw it.

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I'm not out of sketches yet, there's some more with two AU sketches for fics I really loved

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Moooore doodles and sketches got lying around

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Jim Jam Jimothy Lake Junior I have so many sketches of him it's unreal, I'll post some more later

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Realised I've never drawn human Jim before,,,so I experimented a bit!!

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- A Claire pulls off a huge stunt, which turns her hair white from the effort

A huge thanks to ​ who made this amazing prediction for 💛

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??/01//2021 - 27/02/2021
фрагменты и вариант который я первоначально хотела оставить

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