I commissioned the amazing for these Christmas themed Jlaire!! They are gorgeous!!!! Thank you so much!!!

10 43

Jimtober day 8: crossover! From one of my favorite game series, Borderlands!
Jim is Zero, a stealth assassin that only speaks in haiku:
For the good of all / my blade attacks and defends / I am made a weapon.
And Claire as Maya, a Siren (magic).

3 22

finally got around to finishing up this piece! it was originally for a zine that unfortunately was cancelled, so i figured i may as well go ahead and post it!

19 64

Deja de buscar jlaire en Tumblr como si hubiera fanarts diarios

0 33

As some know, the was cancelled, so we got the go ahead to share our pieces. This was mine 💜💙 a small peek into the future of these two, keeping up with their world saving duties. Happy to have been part of this zine, even if it wasn’t to be

54 306

This was for but I cant draw a full drawing everyday I'm slow sorry :[

It was fun though!

0 4

day 7: Tying the Knot (the wedding!!!)
i just love a happy ending, don’t you?

48 174

I linked the 6th and 7th topic.
I used a beautiful design from @/tenyais.
Here's more. So interestingly, my jlaireweek turned out to be unusually warm.

11 30

D6 & D7
D6: a trip to memory lane
D7: tying the knots(the wedding)

There is no story more beautiful in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet. This story will only have a happy ending.

35 115

Day 7: The Wedding!! I read about a soul binding spell, and that inspired me here! Claire ties there souls together as a vow of eternal love. Bonus sans magic, and then a special bonus.

25 76

Day 7: Tying the Knots/The Wedding

...I don’t know how to fancy ówò

16 63

Day 6: a Trip to Memory Lane

17 49

day 6: A Trip to Memory Lane
Before it all went wrong…

38 145

Day 5: Miserable Tragedies


23 81

day 4: Last Dance With You

66 242