Then... you were shocked by the great white shark - Now... you are at the mercy of 1000 jaws…

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Hey if you think “#BabyYoda” was ripped off you may want to revisit that argument. the real character that is based on debuted onscreen in 1980 and Your hit screens in 1984! Sorry brother.. these are not the Droids you are looking for.

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Celebrating the birthday of filmmaker Joe Dante!

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Inktober day 6: The Howling (1981) and I can hear the buzz in my ear already “why didn’t you do Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf?” Folks there’s always next year!

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In honour of the 40th anniversary of here’s some TDO of as she appeared in the movie

Still much love for this movie, and effects - seems still in the shadows of Rick Baker’s work in

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Brain Gremlin living the high life in New York City. A black and white version that i think gives him a nice noir vibe.

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HAD to do of these little buggers!

Is it a Christmas movie? Isn’t it a Christmas movie? You tell us... we love it either way!

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