Inktober Day 28: Blade 2 (2002) the last great Blade movie and probably the best in the franchise, it’s got all that wonderful del Toro horror magic

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Inktober Day 25: Predator 2 (1990) I used to love this sequel as a kid because it was just “more Predator” in my head, it’s now in the good not great category in my head

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Inktober Day 23: Dawn of the Dead (2004) Zack Snyder’s best movie and was probably my favorite zombie film in 8th grade, you gotta get down with it (ooooo ah ah ah)

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Inktober Day 20: Black Christmas (1974) another dark horror holiday classic from the same director who brought us Porky’s and A Christmas Story. And Baby Geniuses…

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Inktober Day 19: My Bloody Valentine (1981) in my top 10 slasher moves, but you have to view the unedited edition where they haven’t taken out all the great kills and make up

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Inktober Day 17: Darkman (1990) Sam Raimi’s fantastic gothic horror superhero film that played all the time on HBO and I would catch after school. Love that D-man!

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Inktober Day 15: The Mist (2007) the last King adaptation on my list this year and I picked the one with the meanest ending. Why you gotta punish the Punisher?

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Inktober Day 13: The Dead Zone (1983) very solid Cronenberg film that doesn’t have any body horror but man that scissors scene?? Yeeesh

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Inktober Day 10: Pieces (1982) I wanted to get a Giallo style horror film in this year, this feature is more on the later end of that but you got the classic hallmarks of leather gloves and bizarre dubbing

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Inktober Day 9: Silence of the Lambs (1991) I love this movie I just hate the person that mentioned once to me that Anthony Hopkins is doing an Eartha Kit impression in this. It ruined a purrrrrfect viewing

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Inktober day 6: They Live (1988) a childhood favorite of mine which continues to age like a fine wine, also that Keith David/Roddy fight scene is still the best 🤘

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Inktober day 5: Scanners (1981) hard to talk about without just vomiting praise for this movie, fun fact: Michael Ironside changed his name to become an actor because no one would hire “Fred Ironside”. Weird

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Inktober day 1: Beetlejuice (1988) it has begun! is here and I’m starting with a horror comedy classic, more of a comedy than a horror feature but hey it’s damn entertaining folks!

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Inktober day 31: Friday the 13th 6: Jason Lives (1986) it’s weird note to end this month long horror ink Odyssey on Tommy Jarvis but hey! I’m a fan of Thom Mathews and I’m fan of being done folks! It’s FINALLY finished

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Inktober day 30: Ghostbusters (1984) kind of a “horror” movie with all the scary demon dogs and spirits flying around, but after a month of blood, guts, and mayhem I wanted on solid comedy in there to relax to

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Inktober day 29: The Terminator (1984) Technically more of an action/sci-fi film but it’s base is still steeped in the horror slasher world with an unstoppable killer chasing folks around. Also Dick Miller shows up and that’s always fun!

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Inktober day 28: Lifeforce (1985) It’s not my favorite Tobe Hooper horror film but it’s kind of awesome with how over the top he went with this Cannon film which speak volumes about the quality

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Inktober day 27: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) A pretty solid-semi reboot to the original series (even though it makes no sense) it’s always fun to see Donald Pleasence running around being a bad doctor

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Inktober day 25: Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 (1988) the FINAL week is here and at 25 we got the second Hellraiser and folks if you haven’t seen it’s great! Even darker than the first and with more worms!

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Inktober day 24: Princess of Darkness (1987) Alice Cooper has shown up in a literal butt load of horror films, but the scariest he’s been in one is in this John Carpenter plotting but solid feature. Very creepy looking

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