Greetings from Bear Island!

Artwork by

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J: Happy birthday to my beloved Silver she-bear!

P. S.: It was who captured the kiss perfectly.

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Artwork by the amazing, brilliant, cool ... zappy .

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J: And there's not a doubt in my mind you're really good at being bad.
D: Just come back home really soon and I'll show you ...

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J: And what is it that you want me to read?
D: I don't know. Anything, really.
J: How about something ... sweet. A song of a Maidem Most fair. That's sweet, soft and sultry.
D: Sure. But only if there's her bear, too.


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D: Oh, you shouldn't worry about that! She'll be giving you some nice tonight, though. All night long!

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And while we're all waiting for my muse to finally kick in 😉 ... a little bit of gorgeousness by .

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D: Hey, J-bear, what's with the kilt?
J: It's Burns Night, khaleesi.
D: Oh, that explains the burning sensation in my tummy ...

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Request by scratchybeardsweetmouth.
version of a scene in Atonement (2007)

Missing scene from season 8 where Daenerys and Jorah actually have a real final good bye scene shortly before the Long Night battle starts. And he came back to her. One last time😭💔

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And, if you’re in the mood for combo Jorleesi & Braime, and I posted a new holiday fic today! 💞 Jorah & Jaime, cowboys on Christmas Eve. Shivering on the snowy plains while missing the women they love (Daenerys & Brienne obvi 🥰❤️) -

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D: That probably leaves most of our readers hot and bothered. Anyway, I've decided to prove him wrong.
J: I'm not following you, khaleesi. Wrong about what?
D: Tonight I intend to have my wicked ways with you vertically.

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D: You must think me ungrateful.
J: Khaleesi, I'd never!
D: Good! Because I am. I'm grateful for you being my strength, my gentle heart, my home. I guess I'm saying you make me a better person by being here. By being mine. By being you.

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And a Jorleesi wedding in the Bear Island fic! 🔔👰🏼🎩 Because there can never be enough weddings for Jorah & Daenerys. It is known 😍💞 With Wedding Photographer Extraordinaire joining me for the festivities, as always 😍💖

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New chapter is up on the Jorah/Dany arranged marriage fic 💞 - - in which Daenerys has the pleasure of witnessing the Bear casually own her awful brothers 😂 (and with my fave 🐻 vs 🐍 moment immortalized by the ever talented 😍❤️)

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New Jorah/Dany fic from yours truly and my fave Jorleesi soul sister ❤️ Anyone in the mood for a Robert’s-Rebellion-Never-Happened, arranged marriage between Princess Daenerys and the widower Lord Jorah Mormont of Bear Island story? 🐻💞🐉

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Game of Thrones - Jamais T’oublier: “The Bells” (my version 😘) aka Jorah & Daenerys get married at Winterfell and their love melts the winter/ends a zombie apocalypse 😂💞 W/ some extra Jorleesi pretty provided by ❤️ -

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Jorah x Daenerys graphic novel "dragonfly", written for the Jorleesi Fall Equinox Exchange.
Thank you @ all for your responses to this 😍 An artist girl is happy!!!

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I think Jorleesi in all seasons will come true 😘😂

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30 Shades of Fluff [10/30]
Autumn on Bear Island

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The second installment of the Jade Sea series is officially complete ❤️ - Thanks to all my lovely Jorleesi fam for reading! Jorah/Dany fluff + amazing fanart to play us out, courtesy of the ever-incredible 😍😍😍 *Grandpa Jeor style bear hugs*

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