This coming monday I won't stream, will be tweaking my setup some for better quality, and then the following monday I think I'll do a part 2 stream, yes

Also I got a new scanner, which I think will help to capture my sketches better when I upload them (a jubileus wip, to see)

24 102

Beat AtomicHeart and it's best game what i played for last years <3
Jubileus Balerine <3

15 53

Now Rodin, but in "Jubileus design" Form <3

16 80

Um dos meus combos favoritos no Marvel Snap: Jubileu puxa o Inifinaut do deck.
se não der certo o sunspot absorve a energia do 5° turno.
Não faço tanto fanart, mas estou adorando o Marvel Snap

0 0

With <3
<------ My Art , 's Art ------->
It's Very Adorable Jubileus , and his OC too <3

0 6

Jubileu (Jubilee em inglês) Dos X-men

Ela é um nenê divertido q nem vc ❤

0 1

Yes! 💖👉 Volgende week is het zover en starten we met de opbouw van onze jubileumexpositie. De jubileumexpositie toont de verscheidenheid van onze kunstenaarsvereniging door de jaren heen. Zo ook onze Oude Meesters, van vroeger én van nu!

1 2

She wants to establish her order* 😅
🤪#Bayonetta 🌞

8 27

Viola for one good person ( )
Strange see from me no Jubileus XD

9 38

Okie, catch my Best Jubileus Fan Art :3333

3 8

🌞🙏#Jubileus 🙏🌞
Color and REnder Version of Jubi 🥰🥰🥰

18 60

🌙 x 🌟
🔀#crossover 🔀 🌞#Jubileus 🌞
i'm back , and feel really better - thanks you ,and take that art in prize :3

24 134